Saturday, February 27, 2010

Gravity vs Gravitational force

   Okay. a lot of people mess this up. Gravitational force may be present between any two bodies having some mass whereas Gravity is the force between a body and the Earth.
   When you talk about your weight, you are actually talking about your mass. Suppose if you say your weight is 50 kg, you will be wrong. Your mass is 50 kg. Your weight is actually 490 Newton (appr). Your weight even varies from place to place, even on the Earth.
   Actually, its not only the Earth that exerts force on you.Even you exert force on the Earth, which is in fact equal and opposite to the force it exerts on you (your weight that is). You dont notice it though. Its because it requires more force to displace the Earth than it does to displace you.
  Moral of the story is, no matter what people say, even you are attractive, literally.

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