Saturday, November 14, 2009

Bouyant Force

The magic is here isn't it?
Buoyancy is one of the most fascinating forces I have studied. As Mr. Archimedes stated
                   " Any object when fully or partially immersed in a fluid experiences a force which is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced."
                  It simply means that if you dip anything in a liquid, it will feel lighter. How light, it depends on how dense the fluid is and how much space the object in question is occupying.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Physics - We love it

Don't we all just love Physics!
I remember when I five, I was fascinated by mirrors. I used to stare at them all tthe time, wondering if they were a portal to a different world.
I analysed them further and co-related all my observations. I even independantly derived the laws of reflection(I am neither bragging nor claiming any credit). Such was my fascination towards the subject. That is to say - that I was in love with Physics even before I knew what the word meant.
When I went to High school I discovered that it was indeed a subject of study - and the bond grew stronger.
Till this day, my fascination hasn't decreased a bit. I still keep staring at stuff and keep trying to think what it means.
So this blog is an initiative to bring together all the people who share the fascination and indulge in the pleasures of Physics.